THE SONS of the prophets said to Elisha, Look now, the place where we live before you is too small for us. Let us go to the Jordan, and each man get there a [house] beam; and let us make us a place there where we may dwell. And he answered, Go.

2 Kings 6:1-2 AMPC

As we begin to round up the study on giving, today, we will discuss another aspect of the topic which has to do with men of God. Ever since the beginning of this topic, we have made it clear that God gave us gifts first and then if in any situation, we will appreciate Him for His kind gesture towards us, then we must first give ourselves to him first, then our gifts. For the emphasis, God is not seeking after our treasures only and neglecting we the owners.  He loves and wants us first, even more than He wants our gifts and treasures. Because a man He has not accepted, He won’t receive any gift from him.

There is no other reason for this, save the fact that all things that we count as expensive possessions of ours today are the works of God within the six days of creation. So nothing is new or can be considered strange to Him. Our most referenced properties ‘gold and silver’ He publicly declared that they are His, He is the maker of it all. He who lined the street of heaven with gold, how much of our earthly gold will then worth much more to him? Nevertheless, we still give him out of the token He had blessed us with to show our reference and appreciation to Him

While discussing giving back to God, He doesn’t have a physical secretariat or an earthly account officer where we can pay our appreciation dues to. Then, how do we pay back to God in appreciation for all He has done for us?

Four people are eligible (according to scripture) to receive from our abundant treasure as a means of appreciating God for all He had done for us. In today’s teaching, we will be examining those four sets of people:

1. Members of our family:

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hathdenied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 1 Timothy 5:8

Our call and responsibility as Christians is not limited to externalities or as men pleasers in the society but it is first a call to inward usefulness. In God’s purpose and pattern, every man must first cater for the members of his family before he proceeds to the altar to make any donations or give seeds. Paul in his letters to his son in ministry, Timothy charged him to teach his parishioners to first cater for the members of their family. It is only on this ground they can be called Believers. Should they fail in this duty, they are worst than infidels in God’s design. Even when they are taking microphone and saying ‘on behalf of myself and family, I give five billion’. You may applaud him but heaven is looking at his wife at home who battling empty pot and his children who have been sent home from school.

Therefore brethren, your members of family ranging from their daily bread, clothe to cover their nakedness and roof to hide their heads you must cater for before they declare you as the highest donor in that conference or the most consistent tither.


For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Matthew 25:35

Our Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry gave us how we can be a profitable servant unto Him and one of the ways he stated that we will be counted worthy was that we give our treasures to the needy around us. In fact he stated the basic things we should cater for in their lives as food, water, clothing and accommodation. And from our study of social studies, you will remember that these are the basic needs of every man.

Now, let me draw a line here, as I know that we have many that have turned begging to their activities of daily living and other fetish acts. They are able and capable without any physical deformity yet begging is what they take as their daily hustle. These are really not the set of people we are addressing as needy. If you will be very honest with yourself, you don’t need to take bike or cab nor take several steps before you find a needy around you. They are right there with you, even in your neighborhood. You know their standard of living without them talking. You see their kids, you see their houses. These are the men that you should appreciate God in their lives by giving.


The work of ministries and other projects in churches and ministries have been dealt with in our previous study. Do you need details about this? Read up our previous sermons and see how you can partner with work of ministries with your resources, time and skills.


I know there are several abuses to giving your resources to these set of people. Many have tagged men of God in suit as scammers or thieves on the pulpits who take by force even from the needy. In fact many consider giving to these people as wasting of resources, you should rather spray your money on the street and let strangers pick it.

But none of these validate the scripture, the fact that many men have pirated the office of pastors and priests doesn’t mean all pastors are fake. In fact, if there has never been original, then we won’t have fake. We have fake because original existed. Therefore giving to them is important and highly biblical. Let us examine the scripture

1 Corinthians 9:11

[11]If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?

Apostle Paul addressing the Corinthians on the need to cater for their spiritual leaders in material things. This is very important to do. Excuse me, may I say unto you that the pastor also has a need. Our anchor text introduced to us Elisha the prophet who was staying in an overcrowded house and the son of prophets were demanding the need for expansion. Imagine where a man of God is staying with his students, many ministers and important personnel come to that place for prayers and several miracles have been wrought in that abode. Yet, he is not conducive himself.

While we all are facing economic recess, we at any time should not think the pastors have it all good and rosy. No sir, most of them also face the same need that we face even more. But they can not openly say it lest you call their anointing fake and the God they serve fictional.

May I tell you that when some of them were called from their good paying jobs, they have their fears, they have doubts, they felt insecure leaving good salary for stipend. But the assurance that God gave them was that He will meet their needs. Now, do you know God won’t meet their needs by coming down? He can only meet their needs by using you whom their ministries had blessed at one time or the other.

So you as a sheep in their pasture once in a while or on regular occasion should meet their physical needs. Nothing is too small, ranging from airtime, monthly data and TV subscription, that italian shoes, that designer suit will look good on your pastor. Remember how you disturbed this man for prayers when you were in need of that job, when your wife was in the theater, when your child’s admission was not coming forth. He joined you in prayers and fasting. How have you paid him back? Just daddy thank you? No, you have not done well.

Are you reading this and will like to make amendment, please go to God in prayers to help you redeem the pledge you made and begin to do the needful.

Do these and watch the Lord wrought wonders in your finances. He will supply all your needs more than you can ever imagined.

This is Giving

This is an act of worship

Worship God with your substance today and see Him working on your behalf. Amen!

Let’s pray.

Almighty God creator of heavens and the earth, help me to develop the act of giving even to the appropriate quarters from now till my last breath. Help me, I don’t want to be an ungrateful servant. Amen.

There are those who [generously] scatter abroad, and yet increase more; there are those who withhold more than is fitting or what is justly due, but it results only in want. Proverbs 11:24 AMPC

Are you blessed?

Ayeni Oluwasegun

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