Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5 AMP

One of the attributes of God is not to see the presence but to also see through the very end. The end of ages, end of our lives and the end of this universe. The farthest a man can see is the present moment but our God is immortality, He exists from eternity past to eternity to come. He created time yet He is not time bound.

This study is to teach us that our life as an individual is not a mistake irrespective of situations that surrounds our birth, upbringing and the future that is to come.

Though it may not be desirable yet but instead of lamenting, this study will help us to see God and smile all through way and trusting Him for better days ahead.

For a young man like Moses who grew up in a palace, all he would be thinking was that one day maybe he would ascend the throne as the next Pharaoh. In fact, the king makers and the entire citizens of Egypt have found probably a tall, dark and handsome with potentials suitable for the seat of Pharaoh. However, God had other plans, that he will not just be a sitting king raised and trained in the palace but first a wanderer who will be tutored under YHWH in the wilderness to lead a greater nation, Israel.

This ultimate plan of God started not yesterday nor when Moses was born. In fact, neither his father nor mother not even his grandparent can tell of the plan for this new born except for the creator of universe Himself. The plan of God for Moses was what has been planned, documented and sealed over 300 years before his birth.

Let’s see

Then the Lord said to Abram, “You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. But I will punish the nation that enslaves them, and in the end they will come away with great wealth. Genesis 15:13‭-‬14 NLT

In Genesis chapter 15, God after calling Abram (then) out of his neighborhood to a foreign land where he knew not, God promised to make Abraham a great nation. 25 years after, Abraham was still without a child through his legally married wife yet God told him to count the stars on the sky, that in this similitude will his future be. But not just that, God showed Abraham the other side of the coin that these his uncountable descendants will be slaves in a foreign for 400 years and after 400 years, He (God Almighty) will arise to deliver the descendants.

That was the prophecy of the life of our character, Moses 400 years earlier. Even Abraham who the promises were made to thought it was a film script, so he could not have imagined the end. But God who doesn’t lie created several scenarios that led these descendants into a strange land where they multiplied greatly and then the table turned against them as they became slaves. The pains and the agony were much more than the people can bear. Little did they know that they were acting out a script that had been written hundreds of years before their birth.

If the Lord ever promised hardship, definitely He will also promise a deliverer. The children of Israelites really suffered under a new leadership in Israel that did not know history. The need for a deliverer and a new dawn was all the Israelites wanted but it seems the ears of the Lord was heavy and his hands were shortened. Many even thought it was their sins that made the Lord abandoned them like Isaiah said in the scripture.

But no, this silent but active God was busy with the making of a deliverer. Not just any deliverer but the one he had formed, prepared and equipped for this assignment 350 years earlier, the man called Moses. To Moses’ parent, the joy of having a male child is all they want. But they did not know that it will be a bad time to have a male child as a decree will be made that every male child be thrown into River Nile. And so the desire of having a male child has been obstructed by an evil decree under a tyrannical king. What shall a man do?

Moses was born during an unfavourable situation, all odds were against him, his father regretted that night, his mother will look at the fruit of her womb and will regret ever knowing her husband that period

But in all of this, there is a director sitting gallantly behind a monitor calling out the shots in order to make an epic movie title Moses the deliverer. It will be a blockbuster of events. Stay tuned as we journey through this series all through the Sundays in February and few Sundays in March.

This introduction is just to serve as a reminder that we all are God’s masterpieces. We are never a mistake. Whether born during the civil war or when your family business downsized, born out of wed lock? Everybody sees and calls you a failure?

Shortly after your birth, your mother was told that bad news that her womb can’t bear another child again? Or nothing good they say will ever come out of your Israel. Moses was a man of like story. Even our Lord Jesus was a man doubted as can anything good come out Nazareth?

One thing you should take and register in your heart is that no matter the circumstances of your birth, background and situation, you are part of God’s bigger picture. God is set to do something that is beyond you, your parent and also your ancestors. You are a major block in God’s building, without you,this house is incomplete. You had been begotten through the predeterminate counsel of God.

Moses came to play his role in a script that had been written before his parents were born and here we are today, still reading his story. This is exactly what God is planning to do with your life.

But to start with, do you know this God? If you are not acquainted with Him, walking and working with Him to fulfill his destiny and purpose might be difficult.

Then, will you come to him today and let him cast you for the role as a major actor in that epic movie having your name as the title. Come to Jesus today and you will be glad.

Let’s pray

Lord Jesus, I have come to you today, take my life, help me to know and to love you. Reveal my destiny to me and grant me also the enablement to fulfill purpose and destiny. Amen

Is that prayer for you, kindly reach out to us as we begin the journey of destiny.

For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]. Ephesians 2:10 AMP

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